PhD Topic Consultation
Topic selection is the most crucial and the first stepping stone of the PhD. The scholar selects the
topic on the basis of the research gap after going through multiple references.
Clearby service helps scholars in selecting a novel research topic by combining their academic and
professional background and interest areas with already existing research done. We try to understand
the future scope of the research and the time span in which the research shall be completed before
suggesting the topics
Proposal Development
Writing a research proposal is the next very crucial stage after the development of the research
topics. It involves setting up the entire research plan in a very short and crisp manner. The elements of the proposal include-
● Research Title
● Introduction
● Need of the Study
● Literature Review
● Research Aims and Objectives
● Conceptual Framework
● Hypothesis Development
● Research Methodology
● Limitations of the Research
Research Manuscript Development
Leveraging the multiple research scholars experiences that have been gathered with the help of
subject matter experts who are associated with us, Clearby Services helps scholars to publish their
research articles in International peer-reviewed Journals.
Our service specialisations include journal manuscript writing, helping to develop a manuscript from
your existing research or thesis document, editing your manuscript, formatting and submitting your
manuscript to a chosen journal, following up with journal editors regarding your submitted manuscript,
and doing a peer review of your manuscript.
● Journals for Manuscript Development
- Elsevier
- SCI ScienceDirect
- Springer
- Scopus
- UGC Care List
Thesis/Dissertation Writing
Thesis writing is another challenging stage which PhD scholars and Master students face. There are
different chapters of the thesis which require different experts attention in developing the research design in research methodology, selecting the key variables and scales in the literature review that
shall help in questionnaire designing, and referencing the citations in a different manner.
We can resolve your issues within the thesis in every possible manner.
Editing and Proofreading Support
Editing and Proofreading lends you a new pair of eyes to filter all flaws and errors in your research document. Editing service helps the scholars in getting the research writing enhanced with better language and formatting as per the guidelines
Questionnaire Development
Questionnaire development involved a better understanding about the research variables and objectives. More over the questionnaire needs to be developed in such a manner that it can be pilot tested, and checked for reliability and validity. Clear by services helps the scholars to develop a questionnaire in such a manner that its easier to collect the responses and it could be analysed in a quick and easy manner.
Data Collection/ Data Analysis
Data collection is sometimes a difficult and a time consuming task. Therefore, Clearby Services can
help you in data collection using both primary as well as secondary method
Clearby services is not just helping to collect the data but we are helping scholars in Data Analysis
using multiple tools such as-
● Eviews
● Stata
● Nvivo
● Amos
● Smart PLS